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In our latest newsletter we kick off with a really important article that looks at the link between financial stress and mental health.

If you are noticing some signs of poor financial habits in your adult kids, then our second article is a must-read.

We explore some ways you could put your equity to work. And we take a look at how the new deeming rates will affect pensioners.

With the holiday season approaching, we thought it was timely to include some tips on how to avoid a holiday debt hangover.

If you would like to discuss any of the articles, please contact this office on 02 4344 7114 or


Coleman Farrell

The link between financial stress and mental health

If you’ve ever laid awake at night thinking about your finances you’ll know: financial stress can be debilitating. What you may not be aware of is the strong link between financial stress and mental health.

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6 Ways to Help Your Adult Kids Take Control of Their Finances

There are a number of things you can do to help your adult kids develop healthy financial habits.

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Using your equity to build wealth

The equity you have in your home is simply the difference between the current market value of your home and the amount you still owe on your home loan.

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How the new deeming rates could affect you

Most social security payments in Australia, including the age pension, are subject to both an assets test and an income test. 

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Holiday Debt Regret: How to Avoid it

One thing that's guaranteed to leave you feeling on top of the world, is a holiday. That’s until, along with the plane descending towards home, you sink into the beginnings of holiday debt regret.

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